Saturday, September 3, 2011

Back to LA!

Didn't i told you that i am bad at blogging? Haha.. And also i won't blog a lot :p i am still not used to it yet! super headache. i will try to remember to update everyday. haha.. new aim back in LA. haha..

Things between me and Him went pretty well. No one understands me when i said i don't wanna be back here. Even my dearest mom and him doesn't. they keep thinking i will have fun with my friend after awwhilee.. who the hell is having fun here? i mean not that i don't wanna see my friends its just that it feels different. I am not lying its different. :( so life for the first week goes pretty hectic and busy with classes and meet ups with friends.. but what really tires me are the classes that i took.. what i really hope is that i can do well in everyone of them. i dont want my friends to look down on me. and i hope i dont lose my motivation in doing well! jia you :D

thats all for now.. its super later here in LA! i willmake sure i wakes up early and do all my work :D

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